To discovery of heart of Tuscany
The heart of Tuscany

     Let's discover together the territory which stretchs to the South East of Siena and reaches the Mount Amiata and the rige of the hills which divide Val di Chiana from Val d'Orcia. Within these territorial boundaries, especially in the valley-bottoms, the land is clayey and the landscape known as "the crete" is Podere Terrapille - Pienza characterized by barren hillocks, gullies and landslides and the plants which grow there are mainly cypresses and brooms. The area where the landscape reveals all its bare and undulated beauty, is Val d'Orcia.
Podere Costilati - Pienza

     On the ridge of the hills the vegetation becomes ranker and more varied; we find olive-groves and vineyards together with woods which change into chestnuts and beechwoods on the slopes of the Mount Amiata.

     Out of grapes of these hills they get two of the most appreciated Italian wines: Brunello from Montalcino and Nobile from Montepulciano, while from the olives an extravirgin oil is made which ranks among the best in Tuscany. 'Crete' - Pienza
     It is difficult to express the charm and spell of these places where cities of art, medieval villages, castles and churches, hills and streams, gullies and fields contribute to make such a unique and harmonious whole.

     This is a land of old culture and possesses a very rich artistic heritage, still nowadays the local craftmen produce their wares according to traditions handed down for centuries from father to son; famous are the tiles (cotto senese), the wrought iron, leather goods and the working of the local stones.


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